Water Purifiers: A Lifesaver for Kids' Health and Well-being

Hydration Happiness: Filtered Water for Kids Well-being

Benefits of Filtered Water for Kids

Have you invested in a water purifier for home yet? If not, then choose hydration happiness with the best water purifier and safeguard your entire family, especially kids from diseases caused due to contaminated and impure water.

It is quite evident that kids like to drink cold drinks and other beverages, but does your kid have sufficient water daily? Well, water plays a crucial role in our lives. It is important for every age group but here we’re talking about your kids who need proper nutrition and minerals to stay healthy, focused, and energetic, which is not possible through sugary & artificial energy drinks or beverages with artificial additives.

However, the amount of water that your kid must consume may vary as per their body size, age group, activity level, health as well the environment around them. Also, your kid must consume clean, pure, and safe drinking water to prevent several waterborne diseases.

Amidst the food we consume and the air we breathe, the water quality is of paramount importance. These days, polluted drinking water does not jeopardize the health of adults, but poses a huge risk to the kids, whose immune system is not strong enough against chronic waterborne diseases. These include diarrhea, gastroenteritis, typhoid, and cholera.

As per the report of WaterAid India, more than 60,000 children die every year in India due to consuming contaminated water.

In such a scenario, it is a good idea to invest in a water purifier for the home and choose safety and well-being. Some parents still believe in boiling water as the safest way to prevent waterborne diseases, but this is partially true as the boiling method can only kill the pathogens present in the water, while it cannot eliminate the presence of harmful chemicals and metals.

Fortunately, with the evolution of technologies, several types of water filtration methods have been developed. Now, parents can easily access clean and safe drinking water for their kids by simply installing a good quality water filter at home. Today, water filters use the 4 types of filtration methods, which are a combination of chemical and physical processes. These involve-

  • Activated Carbon Filter
  • Ion Exchange Filter
  • Distillation filter
  • Reverse Osmosis Filter

Why should Parents Install a Water Purifier at Home?

If you are those awesome parents who prioritize the safety and health of their kids over anything, then installing a water purifier at home is a great step. Here are the top reasons why water purifier is much needed at your home and why it is linked to hydration happiness-

Say ‘Bye’ to Impurities! 

A water purifier can act as a superhero to kill those harmful elements and impurities present in your drinking water. The invisible bacteria and viruses can make your kids ill. Installing a water purifier at home can give you peace that your kid is drinking parent-approved, clean, and safe water.

Strong Immune System

Strong Immune System

A strong immune system is the superpower of your kids to fight against several waterborne diseases. Safe drinking water keeps your kids ready to do all the adventures while being healthy.

Hassle-free Option for Hydration

If getting your kids to drink sufficient water in a day feels like a mission to you, then installing the best alkaline water purifier can ensure hassle-free hydration. Thus, they can drink tasty, clean water whenever they want.

Flushes Out the Toxins 

Water is highly important in the detoxification of the body. It flushes out all the toxins that also affect other organs in the body. You can ensure that the water your kid is drinking not only provides hydration but also contributes to overall health & well-being while maintaining a toxin-free body system.


One of the best things about a water purifier is it is not just for your safety, but for your wallet too. You don’t need to buy those costly and unhygienic water cans. A water purifier can be a budget-friendly option for your whole family to access healthy and safe drinking water 24*7!

In Mumbai, India, most schools have installed water purifiers as a safer option over unfiltered tap water. Another step was to discourage the sharing of their water bottles as it can lead to the transfer of infection and germs to other children.

To Wrap Up

Ensuring healthy and safe drinking water for kids is a basic necessity as well as a parenting responsibility. Kids are more vulnerable to waterborne diseases, and the quality of water they consume plays a major role in their development and growth.

As a responsible parent, you won’t like to put the health of your kid at risk by neglecting the quality of drinking water. You can buy the highest quality water purifier for home from one of the best water purifier manufacturers and suppliers in Mumbai, India.

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