Everything You Need To Know About Active Silver Ion in Your Glass of Water
Are you planning to buy a new water purifier online for your home but are super confused between the different technologies including RO, UV, and UF? Well, trust us; you are not the only one! Undoubtedly, pure, clean, and safe drinking water is one of the basic requirements and we cannot take any risks with […]
How to Prolong the Life of a UV Water Purifier
Water is a vital requirement for survival. The threat of diseases is enormous, and the need for water purifiers is vital. Water bodies are exposed to numerous pollutants, and distribution pipelines in towns and cities are old and worn out. Water purifiers are used to filter water and remove hazardous impurities in practically every urban […]
How UV Water Purifier Purifies The Water – Step by Step Guide
UV water purifiers are highly effective in purifying contaminated water with microbial growth. It kills microorganisms growing in polluted water and makes it germ-free using Ultraviolet rays. UV water purifiers work on the principle that strong UV rays uncoil the DNA of microorganisms. After scrambling of DNA microorganisms can’t reproduce nor harm your body. UV […]
Benefits of UV Water Purifiers
UV and RO water treatment systems are the two most commonly used technologies. It is also commonly misunderstood that RO systems are superior to UV systems. The go-to tip for choosing the correct water filter is that if your locality’s water supply has more ions and dissolved solids, RO water purifiers are the best. However, […]