ZeroB Icy Hot PRO Water Dispenser

ZeroB Icy Hot water dispenser is a sleek and elegant styled unit that delivers safe and pure water in both Hot, Cold and Normal options. This commercial water cooler is well suited for offices, institutions and high-end retail outlets. This hot , cold and normal water dispenser is available in Free Standing.


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9-Stages of Purification

The unit comes with 9-stages of purification with uniquely patented HRR and ESS technology available only in RO variant.

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5-Stages of Purification

The UV variant comes with 5-stages of purification and takes care of improper flow conditions, scaling on quartz glass, turbidity and voltage fluctuations.

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Quick Servicing

Easy to access purification module which makes the servicing quick and easy.


Technology description UV+ESS


Icyhot Pro UV comes with inbuilt UV and ESS. UV is well accepted non chemical disinfection technology which deactivates bacteria and viruses. In conventional UV purifying systems, even the purest UV purified water that is stored in bottles or in containers can get recontaminated due to build up of slime or bacteria growth. The ESS Technology incorporated in the product takes care of all above drawbacks
The UV purification deactivates bacteria and viruses and also prevents germ buildup in the stored water.

Technology description RO+HRR+ESS


Icy Hot Pro comes with inbuilt High Recovery RO purifier and also backed up with patented ESS technology auto sanitizing features. The eco RO technology is the state of art water saver RO purifier that reduces water wastage by 80% as compared to any other conventional RO purifier.
Removes excess salts, pesticides, heavy metals, THMs, VOCs, and disease-causing bacteria and viruses and converts salty water to good tasting water.

Technology description ESS Technology

ESS Technology

Protect the germicidal growth in the tank stored water by auto sanitization 24 x 7, & keep the tank water pure & safe always. Prevents slime formation. Avoid human intervention to clean the tank. Hence stored water remains 24 x 7 safe for drinking purpose.