Water Purifiers with Different Types of Purification Methods

Water Purifiers with Different Types of Purification Methods

Purification Methods for drinking water needs

Are you planning to buy a new water purifier online for your home but are super confused between the different technologies including RO, UV, and UF? Well, trust us; you are not the only one! Undoubtedly, pure, clean, and safe drinking water is one of the basic requirements and we cannot take any risks with it. The right water purifier for your home can provide you protection from several diseases thus keeping you and your family safe. 

Different Types of Purification Methods

We have made a list of all the different types of water purification methods. It will help you make the right decision while buying a water purifier online.

UV Technology

This is the most basic form of the purification method. The UV water filtration system uses ultraviolet radiation to kill all the unseen germs and bacteria present in the water. In this type of water purifier, the water is forced through a tube and then is exposed to radiation. The best thing about using it for filtration is that it is chemical-free and super easy to maintain. However, it cannot eliminate TDS and eradicate the dead bacterium which means that they are still present in the water that you will later consume.

Revealing the hard truth, even the purest UV purified water that is stored in bottles can get re-contaminated due to build-up of slime or bacterial growth. This is an undesirable situation.

To address this concern and break the myth, ZeroB developed an in-house patented technology –
Electro Sanitizing System (ESS) with great importance on ACTIVE SILVER IONS & HYDROXYL IONS as a remedy against this kind of re-contamination of water and bacterial growth. ZeroB’s patented ESS technology releases ACTIVE SILVER IONS & HYDROXYL IONS in the water. These ions will denature the paralyzed microbes completely by disrupting the genetic cell walls. Hence ensures complete elimination of microbes from incoming water to the tank, as well as protects the storage water tank 24×7 from germ build-up. This process also keeps the tank water fresh and pure for more than 7 days in-case of tank water not in use.

UF Technology

Ultrafiltration is a special type of filtration using a membrane and hydrostatic pressure to force liquid against it. The membrane is semi-permeable which means that it can separate certain substances from the liquid as the liquid passes over it.Ultrafiltration process is simpler and less expensive to use. Ultrafiltration provides an excellent and constant quality of water as a result of the process and it is more effective at removing particles and microbes from water.

It eliminates all the large particles, suspended solids, and harmful molecules from your drinking water through a hollow membrane. It can eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses but won’t help you get rid of the dissolved solids. Also, it can’t convert hard water into soft water.

The ZeroB all new UV Grande 2X is equipped with an Ultra-filtration module which consists of UF membrane that removes microbes from water and does not allow particulates to form a layer on quartz glass, thereby preventing shielding effect.

RO Technology

 Reverse Osmosis or the famous ‘RO water purifier’ is the third method. This kind of water purifier applies a force along the area of concentrated water. After that, the water flows through a semi-permeable membrane providing you with pure and safe drinking water. The process used in this filtration system eliminates both harmful particles and dissolved solids. Moreover, it also converts your hard water into soft water. You can get the best-in-class RO water purifier called ZeroB Eco RO which ensures water recovery of up to 70%. Also it can run for a longer period to provide safe and healthy purified drinking water. Order online from ZeroB Pure Water Solutions. 

Combined technologies (UV + RO + UF)

Now if you have the budget and if you are looking for a filtration system combined with all these technologies then you can buy a UV+RO+UF water purifier online easily for the best water purity. This advanced multi-technology purification system will leave no room for any kind of bacteria, virus, large particles, sediments, and other solids in your regular drinking water. 


You can browse through ZeroB Pure Water Solution’s range of water purifiers and bring home a water purification system that will keep you and your family safe and healthy. Go through our range of water purifiers online and shop one today. Get in touch with us today at 022-68486848 or 022-27881234!

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